Campaign “There is no place for racism here”

The campaign “There is no place for racism here” designed by the “REVERT project: Resilience without ViolencE, Resistance without haTe in Public Transport” aiming to prevent and combat xenophobia and racism in public transport, and implemented by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Athens Public Transport Organization (OASA), Syneirmos NGO, Almasar NGO and CMT PROOPTIKI Consulting Management Training, calls us to actively combat racism and xenophobia within public transportation by promoting solidarity and peaceful coexistence and reporting racist and xenophobic incidents.
Aiming to raise awareness and mobilize passengers of public transport, the campaign “There is no place for racism here” encourages all of us – witnesses and victims of racist incidents – to speak up, react and declare our determination to combat all forms of racism and violence, by reporting racist incidents occurring in buses and trolley buses, since the need of reporting such incidents to the competent authorities is considered a necessity so as to effectively deal with the phenomenon and take relevant measures or actions.
Two different info graphics, one targeting witnesses and one targeting migrants and refugees provide simple information about effective response to racist and xenophobic behaviour. The first one is in Greek and English, whereas the second infographic addressing migrants and refugees is in English, French, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu in order to reach as many people as possible.
More specifically, within campaign’s reporting action frame, in case of witnessing and/or experiencing a racist attack it is recommended to follow the “ARICE or ARISE” rule and always consider your own safety:
ARICE Approach the victim |
ARISE Stay calm |
Ignore the preparator |
Ask for help from other passengers |
Call 11414 -Report incident |
Call 11414- Report incident |
Share your experience here: |
The campaign will be launch 1st of December 2020 and will be running for 2 months in bus and trolley bus lines where serving areas with a larger number of migrants and refugees exist. In addition to the posters placed in the vehicles, the campaign’s core messages will be promoted online through social media.
The campaign is implemented as part of the REVERT project co-funded by the European Union’s “Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020)” Program.
For more information visit our website or send us an email to the below address:
#REPORTit #ΑRISE #NoPlaceforRacism #StopRacism #revertproject